Target distribution allows you to change the distribution to a personal ideal balance. Suppose you have a Top 30 and always want to have 13% in Bitcoin and distribute the rest evenly at 3%? Go to Bundles + Balancing and click “What is a target distribution and how do I update this”. By adjusting the target distribution of all coins to 3% and Bitcoin to 13% you have now changed the values the system uses for balancing. In the next automatic or manual balancing it will adjust towards the 3% and 13% you have made your personal ideal balance.

Maybe you want to increase your investment in only one or two coins in your Bundle. If you invest credits or euros into an existing bundle, your investment is divided according to the target distribution of the bundle. You can change the Target distribution before you do your investment.  If you adjusted the target distribution to 100% in one coin for an extra investment in this coin, please remember to change it back to your original balanced target distribution otherwise the automatic or manual balancing may sell all your other coins for this coin.